The best for your skin - Dermatologists Dr Lindner in Frankfurt's city centre.

The skin is our largest organ, it is a protective cover against environmental influences, an air conditioner and a „mirror of the soul“. Stress, overexertion and many diseases are reflected in the condition of our skin. Get your good skin feeling back with us - your specialist dermatology surgery in Frankfurt's city centre.

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Dr. Annegret Lindner, Ihre Hautärztin in Frankfurt, führt eine Untersuchung bei einer Patientin durch.
Nahaufnahme eines Frauengesichts. Schöne Haut durch Ihren Hautarzt in Frankfurt - Dr. Lindner.

Dermatology & More

Our services for your health & beauty


Classic dermatology is all about keeping your skin healthy. Take good care of your natural dress, which you will wear for a lifetime. Your skin will thank you for it.


Laser treatments

Are you interested in laser treatments? We offer the following services in our practice:

Fat removal

Many people wish to slim down their abdomen, hips or thighs. Fat removal by suction is a quick and safe method.

Nahaufnahme eines Frauengesichts mit perfekter Haut. Das Team von Dr. Lindner ist Ihr Hautarzt in Frankfurt.


Wrinkle removal - you don't show your age

Our skin ages differently from person to person. Our treatments are just as individual as the ageing process.

The desire for smooth and young-looking skin is widespread. Wrinkle removal offers effective methods for skin smoothing through treatments with Botox, autologous fat, hyaluronic acid or lactic acid crystals. The advantage of these treatments is that the effect can be planned and controlled.

You can make appointments or order your prescription directly from us online.

Dear patients,
Due to our capacity limits, we are having to introduce a pause in appointments for new patients and precautionary appointments until further notice. Please continue to check Doctolib for appointments that have been vacant.