
Allergy consultation
in Frankfurt City

One person only has to sneeze from time to time, while another gets shortness of breath with the same condition. Allergies manifest themselves through different symptoms and varying intensities. They all have one thing in common: allergies can put an enormous strain on everyday life and quality of life.
A professional allergy consultation forms the basis of a successful therapy.

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Eine Hand streichelt einen Katzenkopf - eine Allergieberatung kann helfen, das Leben mit Haustier zu genießen.
  • Different symptoms & intensity
  • Diagnosis of your allergy trigger
  • Individual therapy

Allergy consultation - your health in focus

In allergy consultation, prevention and the preservation of your health are at the center of our activities. Once the allergy trigger has been diagnosed, it is important to initiate a therapy tailored to your individual symptoms. The therapy options are manifold.

Allergy counseling - The way to a better quality of life

In allergy consultation, prevention and the preservation of your health are at the center of our activities. Once the allergy trigger has been diagnosed, it is important to initiate a therapy tailored to your individual symptoms. The therapy options are manifold.

Allergy consultation - Individual therapy options

For various allergies, consistent omission of the allergen or symptomatic treatment with medication can alleviate or cure the symptoms. For other allergies, hyposensitization is a promising treatment method. This can be the case, for example, with allergies to pollen, dust mites, animal hair or bee/wasp venom.

  • As part of the allergy consultation, we will advise you on which method is best in your individual case. In addition, you will receive valuable tips for improving your general well-being.
Dear patients,
The practice will close today at 11am for further training. The exception is cosmetics.
From 7.4.25 – 25.4.25 the practice is closed for holidays.
Due to our capacity limits, we are having to introduce a pause in appointments for new patients and precautionary appointments until further notice. Please continue to check Doctolib for appointments that have been vacant.