
Lactic acid crystals - Preserve your natural facial expressions

Small and even deep wrinkles as well as certain scars and sagging cheeks can be filled with poly-L-lactic acid and smoothed for up to two years with just two treatments. Many patients appreciate the preservation of natural facial expressions.

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Porträt einer geschminkten Frau mit strahlenden Augen und Zähnen nach der Behandlung mit Milchsäurekristallen.
  • For wrinkles, scars and sagging cheeks
  • Preservation of natural facial expression
  • Stimulation of collagen production
  • Low side effects

Lactic acid crystals - How do they work?

The product is a so-called biostimulant. The lactic acid crystals stimulate the body’s own collagen production in the deep layers of the skin. This happens when the product causes inflammatory reactions in the skin, which triggers collagen formation and tightens the connective tissue.

Lactic acid crystals - The way to rebuild the body's own collagen

The advantages of the injections are great, because poly-lactic acid has hardly any side effects and is completely broken down by the body. Small and even deep wrinkles as well as certain scars and sagging cheeks can be filled with the lactic acid crystals and smoothed for up to two years with just two treatments.

  • Our experienced team has extensive expertise in the treatment with lactic acid bacteria. Talk to us. For a better sense of well-being and a better quality of life.

You can make appointments or order your prescription directly from us online.

Dear patients,
Due to our capacity limits, we are having to introduce a pause in appointments for new patients and precautionary appointments until further notice. Please continue to check Doctolib for appointments that have been vacant.